Category H & R: ISPPs serve as the Functional Behaviour Assessment and are required for all H and R designations.
Category D: Where you are submitting eligibility documentation for a student with a complex condition and the diagnosis does not necessarily result in a significant support need or complex presentation at school, please submit the ISPP or relevant domains of the DBPT with the other documents.
Both the ISPPs and the DBPT will provide detailed information regarding a student’s individualized needs, and are invaluable with regards to selecting IEP goals and objectives.
Even where these are not required (see above) as part of the eligibility paperwork, one of these tools should be utilized in creating the initial IEP, and reviewed annually (using a highlighter on the initial document, in a similar fashion to a Quickscale), as part of the IEP review process.
ISPP – Students with Physical Disabilities/Chronic Health Impairments (Category D)
ISPP – Autism Spectrum Disorder (Category G)
ISPP – Intellectual Disabilities (Category K)
ISPP – Students with Behaviour/Mental Illness (Categories R & H)
ISPP – Students with Learning Disabilities (Category Q)
Domain Based Planning Tool – please choose relevant domains to support your planning. It is not necessary to do the full battery unless the student has needs in each of the domains.
Physically Dependent
Moderate to Profound Intellectual
Chronic Health
Visual Impairment
Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Autism Spectrum
Intensive Behaviour Support
Physically Mild Intellectual
Learning Support
Moderate Behaviour Support
1111 Dufferin Cr.
Nanaimo BC V9S 2B5
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