ELL Oral Language Assessments need to be levelled to our Ministry ELL Standards. ELL assessment is generally “A Level” assessment.
This assessment aligns with our current Oral Language Standard Levels (Quick scales) and is a simple interview connected to an image. Highlight the Quick Scale based on your Oral Interview with the student.
This is a useful checklist for the classroom teacher to fill out in order to refer a student for further assessment for ESD service. Note that this does not replace the initial assessment.
Primary/Intermediate Initial Oral Assessment (“Mary has a Dress”)
This tool provides a sense of oral vocabulary and grammar comprehension. Both primary and intermediate assessments are combined into one tool with scoring that applies to our current ELL levels.
Note that all ELL Reading and Writing Language Assessments need to be levelled to our ELL Standards. ELL assessment is generally “A Level” assessment.
Draft Writing + ELL Writing Quick Scale Rubric:
One of the most authentic pieces of assessment for ELL Writing is a draft piece of student writing in conjunction with our ELL Standards.
For many of our ELL students, components of our district assessment tool works well. If you can gauge your student’s ELL level based on the NLPS Reading Screener tool or PM Benchmark, there is no further need to assess reading by using an additional assessment. We absolutely do not wish to over-assess our ELLs.
Please use the NLPS or Benchmarks in conjunction with our ELL Standards Quick Scales.
1111 Dufferin Cr.
Nanaimo BC V9S 2B5