A large collection of Stories told by Snune?ymuxw (Naniamo), Snaw Naw As (Nanoose), Stz’uminus (Chemainus) and Quw’utsun (Cowichan) storytellers.
Click on the + sign to see more options.
A large collection of Stories told by Snune?ymuxw (Naniamo), Snaw Naw As (Nanoose), Stz’uminus (Chemainus) and Quw’utsun (Cowichan) storytellers.
Ilhe Qwal (Let’s Talk) is a free, immersive language app developed by Kw’umut Lelum in partnership with Ogoki Learning Inc. This app brings Hul’q’umi’num—the language of the Coast Salish People—directly to users, offering a fully interactive and engaging experience.
Features of the app include a dictionary, games, quizzes, knowlege tests, and songs.
Most students in the small arctic community of Kaktovic, Alaska grow up speaking Iñupiaq. They found doing math using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3,4, 11, 12, etc) difficult because they didn’t match with their Inupiaq words for numbers. In this thinking task, students will explore arithmetic operations written with Kaktovic numerals to try and figure out how their numeral system works.
Spoiler: it is not a base 10 system!
The NLPS hul̓q̓umín̓um̓ Studio holds a compilation of online learning activities with sound for hul̓q̓umín̓um̓ language learners.
A collection of articles, videos, timelines and educational guides from the Canadian Encyclopedia.
North Star chronicles the exceptional journey of Laurie Rousseau-Nepton, a young, Quebec-born Innu astrophysicist who’s leading a massive research project at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Drawing on a worldview rooted in a love of nature, as well as her talents as a science communicator, Laurie shares her passion for the study of celestial objects.
Incudes a study guide.
This links to the National Film Board of Canada website.
Music is a universal language, one we can use to learn about history, culture, and identity. This playlist features films that highlight the bounty of Indigenous music from Canada. French Version available.
Des outils pédagogiques pour vous accompagner, ainsi qu’un programme de formation complet sur l’érable et une encyclopédie qui dresse le portrait de l’érable à sucre du Québec d’hier à aujourd’hui !
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This game is designed to be a practice activity for using the rise and run to plot linear equations. It is embedded with information related to an important Coast Salish cultural plant.
These cards are also available as a physical deck of cards. Each school should have at least 1 deck available in their library. A French version of the cards is also available.
Additional decks can be signed out from the Indigenous collection library via the District Resource Centre at Dufferin.
Open the full Page for Additional Information on Coast Salish plants.
1111 Dufferin Cr.
Nanaimo BC V9S 2B5