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Home / Resources / Numeracy

Subject: Numeracy

Kaktovic Numbers – Thinking Task

Most students in the small arctic community of Kaktovic, Alaska grow up speaking Iñupiaq. They found doing math using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3,4, 11, 12, etc) difficult because they

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Math Manipulatives for Elementary

  …   Wondering what tools might be useful for teaching Math and exploring numeracy concepts in elementary schools? The following document outlines which resources are recommended, along with links

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Keep or Toss Graphing Activity

This activity  allows students to practice graphing skills in a whole-class or small-group, fun, game environment. The game can be played with printable sheets used in dry-erase pockets or can

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Choral Counting

Choral counting is intended to support students in making sense of increasing and decreasing patterns in cardinal numbers. The teacher leads children to count aloud together by a given number.

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7+ Island Numeracy Assessment

The Island Numeracy Assessment is a formative assessment tool that can be used flexibly to meet the needs of your students. Here are some ideas of how the assessment could

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5+ Island Numeracy Assessment

The Island Numeracy Assessment is a formative assessment tool that can be used flexibly to meet the needs of your students. Here are some ideas of how the assessment could

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4+ Island Numeracy Assessment

The Island Numeracy Assessment is a formative assessment tool that can be used flexibly to meet the needs of your students. Here are some ideas of how the assessment could

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3+ Island Numeracy Assessment

The Island Numeracy Assessment is a formative assessment tool that can be used flexibly to meet the needs of your students. Here are some ideas of how the assessment could

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Évaluations maths INA7+

Évaluations du Island Numeracy Network pour la fin de la 7e année et le début de la 8e année qui couvrent les concepts vus en 6e et 7e années. Les

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Évaluations maths INA5+

Évaluations du Island Numeracy Network pour la fin de la 5e année et le début de la 6e année qui couvrent les concepts vus en 4e et 5e années. Les

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Évaluations maths INA4+

Évaluations du Island Numeracy Network pour la fin de la 4e année et le début de la 5e année qui couvrent les concepts vus en 3e et 4e années. Les

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Évaluations maths INA3+

Évaluations du Island Numeracy Network pour la fin de la 3e année et le début de la 4e année qui couvrent les concepts vus de la maternelle la 3e année.

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Sugar Packets

Students will develop mental math strategies to make sense of quantities through problem-solving. 3 Act Task

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Do the Dew

Students will develop mental math strategies to make sense of quantities through problem-solving. 3 Act Task

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43 Chicken Nuggets

Students will develop mental math strategies and multiple approaches to solving problems through problem-solving.  They will also explain, justify and represent mathematical ideas. 3 Act Task

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Downsizing Tomatoes

Students will work to connect and visualize mathematical concepts and then explain and justify mathematical decisions and ideas. 3 Act Task

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All Aboard

How can we connect, visualize, and justify mathematically concepts? 3 Act Task

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Super Bear

Learning Intention: I can show my mathematical thinking in pictures, numbers, and words. Students will use flexible computation strategies, while problem-solving. 3 Act Task

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Packing Sugar

Students will develop mental math strategies and abilities to make sense of quantities while problem-solving.  3 Act Task

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Drip Drop

Students will develop mental math strategies and abilities to make sense of quantities while problem-solving. 3 Act Task

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The Great Divide Arrays

Learning Intention: I can engage with others and represent numbers visually in a variety of ways. In this lesson, students will explore how to build flexible number sense and mental

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Let It Fly

Exploring ways that we can visualize and explore mathematical concepts while engaged in the problem solving process. Inquiry Question: How far did the disc fly? 3 Act Task Additional Information

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Graham Crackers

How can we use flexible computation strategies and develop a relationship between addition and multiplication? Inquiry Question: How many graham crackers are inside a full box of Graham Crackers?

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A Most Mysterious Mouse

How do numbers helps us communicate and think about ourselves? INQUIRY Question: How can we decompose and compose numbers to help us add, subtract, multiply and divide? Grade 3/4

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