Local Coast Salish Stories
A large collection of Stories told by Snune?ymuxw (Naniamo), Snaw Naw As (Nanoose), Stz’uminus (Chemainus) and Quw’utsun (Cowichan) storytellers.
A large collection of Stories told by Snune?ymuxw (Naniamo), Snaw Naw As (Nanoose), Stz’uminus (Chemainus) and Quw’utsun (Cowichan) storytellers.
Ilhe Qwal (Let’s Talk) is a free, immersive language app developed by Kw’umut Lelum in partnership with Ogoki Learning Inc. This app brings Hul’q’umi’num—the language of the Coast Salish
The NLPS hul?q?umi?n?um? Studio holds a compilation of online learning activities with sound for hul?q?umi?n?um? language learners. Hul?q?umi?n?um? Bingo Games Studio All Hul?q?umi?n?um? Activities Studio
This game is designed to be a practice activity for using the rise and run to plot linear equations. It is embedded with information related to an important Coast Salish
Coast Salish carver Beau Wagner honors his late teacher’s wish by carving a canoe on Gabriola Island with local elementary school students.Starring Beau Wagner, Patrick Aleck, Antonio Gradanti,Directed by Phillip
Learn animal names in hul?q?umi?n?um?! Virtual Call Cards with sound (fullscreen) Printable Call cards and Bingo Cards Animal Colouring Pages
Geoduck clams are the largest saltwater clam found on the west coast. Used in the past as a food source by Coast Salish people and now prized in Asia as
Learn how to say different feeling words in hulquminum by playing BINGO! Generate a random card online with QR Card or print off the physical cards to use without the
Eliot White-Hill, Kwulasultun, is the Coast Salish artist behind the new artwork for the Beban Park Pool grounds. Because the pool’s playful water features are shaped like frogs and fish, the project explores
Sxuyus, qwuqwten, sqewum ‘i snux?shun Sqewum ‘i snuxshun Sqewum ‘i snuxshun Sxuyus, qwuqwten, sqewum ‘i snux?shun Qulum, qwunun, thathun ‘i muqsun **Printable Lyrics**
Learn a few spooky words in Hul?q?umi?n?um? with sound voiced by George Squtxulenuhw Seymour. Printable Student Bingo Cards with draw cards Virtual Student bingo cards for computer (also available for iPads
In this unit jointly created by NLPS and Ocean Networks Canada, students will explore multiple ways of knowing the beach environment through exploration of Hul’qumin’um’ language, personal connections, and science.
Garry oak ecosystems, once a prominent feature of the pre-contact landscape of Coast Salish territories, were carefully tended gardens and farms growing spe:nxw (camas) as well as other edible and
This activity is meant to accompany the Hul?q?umi?n?um? QQS Playground Bingo game in Nanaimo-Ladysmith Public Schools. Learn the vocabulary in the classroom and then head outside to see what you can
A land based Mediations – NLPS is situated on Coast Salish land which include Snaw naw as, Snuneymuxw, and Stz’uminus First Nations. The meditations and stories that are shared reflect
A Hul’q’umi’num’ language guide to plants and animals of southern Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands and the Salish Sea. *** Note, the orthography (spelling system) used in this guide is
This video tells the story behind the making of “Supernatural Eagle Bringing the Sun Back to the World” by Coast Salish artists William and Joel Good which was installed at
Sound Basics for English Speakers There are multiple orthographies (spelling systems) that are used to spell words in hul?q?umi?n?um?. The one used at NLPS is a phonetic system and once
This book (and recordings) teaches the words and sentence structure of the Hul?q?umi?n?um? language. Hul?q?umi?n?um? is one of the twenty-three Salishan languages spoken in British Columbia and the United States.
This dual language book, two children find mysterious gigantic shx?un?utun (tracks) on the ground and wonder what creature might have made them. The book is available online or as
Play bingo on your plant walk down to the beach! All of the living things on that cards can be found at Sealand Park, but the activity can be used
Printable cards for the Days of the Week and Months in hulq?umi?n?um?. The cards on the right also contain a QR code that can be scanned for a link to
Interested in learning the general name for various landforms and waterforms in Hul?q?umi?num?? Here is a handy list:
This activity allows students to practice graphing skills in a whole-class or small-group, fun, game environment. The game can be played with printable sheets used in dry-erase pockets or can
In this video Coast Salish Snuneymuxw artist Joel Good creates kerfs, then steams and bends a yellow cedar plank in preparation for creating a bentwood box. He is one of
Ready to learn simple sentences in Hul?q?umi?n?um?? We are happy to announce the release of the second book in the Hul?q?umi?n?um? Beginner Books series! Each book in the series will
Ready to learn simple sentences in Hul?q?umi?n?um?? We are happy to announce the release of the first book in the Hul?q?umi?n?um? Beginner Books series! Each book in the series will
Use the online resource in coordination with the printable bingo cards to listen to each word spoken by Hul?q?umi?n?um? teacher George Seymour. The printable cards also include calling cards. Two sets are also
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