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Home / Inclusive Support

Inclusive Support

Case Manager Handbook

Case Managers are assigned for students who are formally designated with an Inclusive Education Plan (IEP), or who are on Learning Plans. Counsellors typically case manage students with R and H designations, all other designations are most often managed by an Inclusion Support Teacher. Where a student is on an Learning Plan, this is typically collaboratively case managed by an IST and Classroom Teacher. 

Links to resources to assist Case Managers with fulfilling the duties of their role are found below.  Refer to the Year-at-a-Glance for more information regarding the timing of specific annual tasks. 

Case Managers facilitate ongoing communication between the family, classroom teacher, specialist support staff (e.g. OT/PT, SLP), as well as anyone on the outside care team the family identified.  This includes:

  • Promoting a problem-solving approach at School Based Team meetings, coordinate School Based Team (as determined by administrators).Ensuring IEP meetings occur twice annually, at minimum, with the parents and those on the extended care team who have contributed to the goals.
  • Ensuring other supportive plans (RSPs, ESPs, etc. are reviewed at regular intervals).  
  • Facilitating training and communication with outside services, as appropriate.

School Based Team Resources

Supporting Meaningful Consultation with Families

Information for Parents

Case Managers maintain awareness of the student’s response to the supports in place, successes and continuing needs. This includes:

  • Collecting data and/or portfolio evidence, to support growth toward the IEP goals.
  • Ensuring ongoing formative and formal assessment occurs related to IEP goals; including functional assessments where appropriate
  • Engaging in observations of the student in a variety of settings 
  • Collaborating with the Principal and/or Vice-Principal in the assignment and coordination of Education Assistants
  • Being aware of any medical needs or precautions for individual students on the caseload.
  • Collaborating with classroom teachers and itinerant specialists to develop appropriate goals/strategies/activities for students.
  • Assisting classroom teachers and educational assistants in understanding students’ disabilities and challenges.
  • Assisting classroom teacher with accessing resources and developing materials to support student inclusion in the classroom environment.
  • Provide individual intense, systematic, supplemental instruction as appropriate.  This includes direct instruction for students requiring functional programming. 
  • Providing targeted, supplementary, frequent instruction to small groups; in or out of a classroom as time allows.
  • Supporting transition planning for students entering Kindergarten or transitioning between schools/programs

School Based Team Resources – use the tab on the left and scroll down for referral forms and information about:

Transition tools – scroll down through the Supportive Planning tab on the left.

Functional Programming tools:

Nursing Support Services

Case Managers utilize the Supportive Planning Flowchart & Tools to ensure all relevant supportive plans are created and maintained.  This includes:

  • Monitoring, assessing and providing progress reports related to the IEP or Learning Plan goals.
  • Collaborating with classroom teachers to support the development of Learning Plans

Supportive Planning Tools

  • Regulation Support Plans
  • Data Collection
  • Medical Forms
  • Learning Plans
  • Integration Plans
  • Transition Planning

Designation Information 

Case Managers maintain Designation (blue) Files.  This includes:

  • Submitting Eligibility documentation as required
  • Obtaining consent for services and the exchange of information, as relevant. This should be renewed annually.
  • Submitting Designation Removal documentation, where appropriate
  • Ensuring the files are up-to-date, organized, and do not contain duplicated information

Records Management

Case Managers for students with ELL needs have the following additonal responsibilities:

  • Working iwth clerical staff to ensure that the list of ELL designated students is re-confirmed before the end of September.  (Students may be claimed for a maximum of 5 school years. Beyond that, we will continue to provide support for students who require it, but we are no longer able to generate grant monies for them.)
  • Providing ELL services are along a continuum of support. The amount and type of intervention a student requires is directly related to their needs.  While the ELL teacher maintains responsibility for ensuring service occurs, and with maintaining the formal records for the students, the actual intervention can be provided by anyone in the school.  For example, an ELL learner could participate in a literacy group with an IST who is not an ELL specialist.
  • Ensuring Annual assessment and updates of Annual Instructional Plans (AIPs) are completed.  Each year, an update of reading, writing, and oral language skills is required.
  • Maintaining the ELLMS (ELL Management System) to track ELL service for each of the students on the caseload. 
  • Ensuring ELL (yellow) are maintained accurately.

ELL Resources and Information 

Year at a Glance

Year at a Glance – September

Use this section to find forms and templates that will support the general management of learners in September

  1. Establish regular meeting times for S-BT,  ensure collaboration with the SLP, Psychologist, OT & PT to set as chedule for their regular (but likely not weekly) participation. 
  2. Introduce S-BT and review referral process at first staff meeting
  3. Print a MyEdBC 1701 Report (list of designated students). Meet with S-BT/School Support Staff to verify and update information on this report.  
  4. In consultation with the Principal and SBT, establish an initial EA schedule and duties.  These will require updating/reviewing over the next few weeks.  
  5. Relevant student plans must be included in TTOC folders and EA Sub folders by the end of the month.  
  6. Confirm schedules and regular work spaces for itinerant specialists. 
  7. Print and distribute the itinerant support contact list. Itinerant personnel are available for consult via email/phone request—no forms required.
  1. Compare a list of ELL students with the Ministry 1701.  Ensure all new students have referral forms and are entered in MyEd by the end of September. 
  2. Review list of ESD students to ensure they meet criteria.  
  3. Assess all newly referred ELL students to determine language levels and create a new yellow file. Each file must contain: referral form, initial assessment and newly created AIP.  
  4. Set up schedule of service (no last names).  Send letter home to all ELL/ESD students.  
  5. All ELL students must see the ELL teacher by the end of September.  
  6. When 1701 is finalized begin using ELLMS to track consultation/service
  • Show teachers the Designation Files (blue) and ELL Files (yellow) for their designated students as soon as students are assigned to classes.
  • Review the IEP and any other support plans with both Teachers and Education Assistants as soon as possible.  
  • Email with any changes or newly designated students not appearing on the 1701 report by the end of the third week of September.  
  • Establish process for reviewing files of all incoming students with designations. 
  • Email eligibility forms for each new designation and for any students whose designation has changed by September 25.  Contact Kirstin Funke-Robinson for new H Designations
  • Complete the Additional Supports Checklist—Tiers 2 & 3 for all students with designations. File in Section A of the Designation File.
  • Ensure that all staff are informed of any health and safety concerns identified on student information forms (eg: anaphylaxis, epilepsy) as soon as students are assigned to classes. 
  • Update Employee Safety Plan binder/file in office, email updates to Sahara Roden. (
  • Contact health nurses or OT/PT teams for EA training for lifts, transfers, tube feeding, diabetic care.  * Glucagon training will be arranged by the District. 
  • Complete the Student Evacuation Plan for any students who require specialized consideration in the event of an emergency.  This can be used for anyone who requires support – not only students with mobility needs. Add SEMP to TTOC binder.  
  • Complete the Emergency Care Plan for any students who require specialized care in the event of an emergency.  Add to ECP to TTOC binder.
  • Assign case manager for each designated student.  Review Case Manager responsibilities with SBT including classroom teachers as co-case managers for Category H.
  • Update Integration Plans for students on part-day schedules.  
  • Ensure that most recent IEP’s for all students with designations are in use. Show classroom teachers the Documents side tab (Ed Plan) in MyEd. Print copies for EAs to put in EAOC file.
  • Plan for functional assessments (AFLS) to be completed/updated for all students in categories A&C
  • Begin scheduling IEP meetings for end of Oct / early Nov.  Contact District staff first as they must attend: Category E—TSVI, Category F—TDHH. OT/PT from Child Development Centre and Principal or Vice Principal also must attend. Include students whenever possible.
  • ELEMENTARY – Review MyEd IEPs to ensure that K – 9 students do not have SCCP/Evergreen documentation. Exceptional circumstances can be discussed with Director of Instruction.
  • SECONDARY – Ensure students grade 10 – 12 working toward an Evergreen Certificate have a signed SCCP form in their designation file (blue)
  • Complete/update Functional Assessments (AFLS) for all students in Categories A & C
  • Submit a referral to Inclusion Outreach if you are unfamiliar with this assessment and would like some support. 

Year at a Glance – October

  1. Complete/update IEPs and AIPs for each designated student and all ELL and ESD students.
  2. Complete/update the Designation Files (blue) and the ELL/ESD Files (yellow) for each designated student. AIP goals should be updated and revised as student progresses.
  3. Add an Inclusionin the MyEd Permanent Student Record for students who are new to the ELL caseload.  Inclusions are only added when service is started and ended, so this only needs to be done for NEW students.
  4. Begin direct support, if it hasn’t already.  Record in ELLMS.
  • Schedule release time and book TTOCs for IEP meetings. Contact District staff first as they must attend: Category E—TSVI, Category F—TDHH. OT/PT from Child Development Centre and Principal or Vice Principal also must attend.
  • Schedule meetings for a minimum of 30 minutes to allow for meaningful conversation.   For students with larger teams, consider scheduling 45-60 minutes whenever possible.  
  • Review Case Manager responsibilities with the S-BT.
  • Discuss all students who are 16 years old, and in categories C & K, with the school psychologist to determine scheduling of updated assessments for CLBC eligibility.
  • Add Inclusions in the MyEd Permanent Student Record (quick sheet instructions)
  • Ensure your BC student list is current and share your ARC tip sheet with staff. Encourage classroom teachers to download digital format materials as needed.
  • Demonstrate how to access IEP’s & AIP’s in a staff meeting. Encourage classroom teachers to become familiar with student reports/goals/needs.
  • Review fall baseline data to determine T2 & T3 supports.
  • PVP update Integration Plans Spreadsheet

Year at a Glance – November/December

  • Complete new year IEP’s/AIP’s as needed (this should be on going)
  • Continue to use ELLMS to log consultation/service and work with teachers and ELL students on AIP goals and literacy supports. (This should be on going)
  • Formatively assess/observe student progress and record comments in ELLMS (This should be ongoing)

Year at a Glance – January/February

  • Report student progress towards IEP, Learning Plan and AIP objectives at the same rate/time as standard reporting. Use MyEd IEP Progress Report form for all designated students.
  • Begin conversations with family and Director of Instruction for students who may need support from a specialized program such as: Elementary Life Skills, Skills for Life, and District Life Skills program candidates. Application reminder will be sent in late January.
  • Contact parents of new Kindergarten students with disabilities and diverse abilities, and encourage them to attend the spring  All Kids Go to School Information Evening hosted jointly between the school district and CDC.  This is typically held right before Spring Break. 
  • SECONDARY – Revisit discussion of students who are 16 years or older who require updated assessments for CLBC eligibility.
  • Add Inclusions in the MyEd Permanent Student Record for new designations.
  1. First ELL supplemental report to be sent home to parents, and copy filed in yellow file. This report is based on the student’s progress with language acquisition and their AIP goals.
  2. Add Inclusions in the MyEd Permanent Student Record for new designations.

Year at a Glance – March /April

  • Begin thinking about assessment (collect draft writing samples, look at ELL Standards and Quick Scales)
  • Yearly assessment for all students for program planning and AIP development for 2021-2022 school year
  • Fill out the ELL Annual Assessment Document for easy access to assessment information for 2021-2022 school year
  • Contact parents of new Kindergarten students with disabilities and diverse abilities and encourage them to attend the spring DLS All Kids Go to School Information Evening at the Child Development Centre
  • Meet with the S-BT to begin transition planning for students with special needs moving between schools.
  • Report student progress towards IEP, Learning Plan and AIP objectives at the same rate/time as standard reporting. Use MyEd IEP Progress Report form for all designated students.
  • SECONDARY – Generate a list of students who may wish to consider a year 12+. Submit a Snapshot to Director of Instruction by March 12.
  • SECONDARY – Collaborate with families to complete confirmation of a year 12+ Planning Template. Submit template to Director of Instruction by April 3

Year at a Glance – May/June

  • Ensure applications for Accessible Bussing have been submitted to learning services (by May 31).
  • Organize transition meetings with families, CDC school aged/early intervention team and S-BT for information exchange about new students who may need transition support or are likely to be designated.
  • Invite a member of Inclusion Outreach to an SBT meeting if you would like support for advance planning for September. 
  • Schedule year-end IEP meetings. Develop Draft IEP’s in preparation for the fall.  Draft IEPs should outline tentative goals for the following school year.  We no longer create Bridging IEPs.  (Link here for Year End IEP Preparation document)
  • Return borrowed equipment. (e.g. therapy equipment to Dufferin)
  • Report student progress towards IEP, Learning Plan and AIP objectives at the same rate/time as standard reporting. Use MyEd IEP Progress Report form for all designated students.
  • Update Inclusions (e.g.  IEP, AIP, Assessments – Psych Ed/SLP/OT/PT) are in MyEd. (Directions:  Inclusions)
  • Ensure Student Learning Plan flags have been created by enrolling grade 7 students with plans into student services in My Ed.  (Directions: Student Learning Plans & Grade 7 Transitions)
  • Gather needed Start Up materials (e.g. visual schedules, pic binders, bins with preferred activities) into a central place before leaving for the summer
  • Ensure there is an  updated assessment (on the quickscale) for each student from the current school year.  Remember that you only assess based on the student’s goals on their AIP. Our ELL standards are our key assessment tool. 
  • Update continuing student’s AIPs with current assessment information and adjusted goals
  • Summative  ELL supplemental report goes home to parents. Include a copy in the yellow file.
  • Confirm  AIP Inclusions are up-to-date in MyEd by June 30.
  • Exit any students who have received 5 years of service or for proficiency. Complete an EXIT form and add to the yellow folder. The folder will now be filed with the main student file. (write EXITED in big black marker and include years remaining if applicable)
  • Complete the “Annual Assessment Form” form as the last piece to add to the file to provide a snapshot for next year
  • Tuck all 2023/2024 information under the “NLPS Yellow File Organizer” to keep your files tidy.
  • Elementary: Talk to your K teachers to see who might need to be added in Grade 1.  A good suggestion is to have them highlight a class list
  • Submit Accessible Bus Ridership Applications by May 30.
  • Print a MyEdBC 1701 Report (list of designated students). Meet with S-BT/School-Support Staff to verify and update information on this report

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email correspondence:

It is permitted to share information about individual students and share documentation via email.

Within the district (e.g. between SD68 staff):

  • Use of student’s full names is allowed
  • Sending documentation containing student information is allowed, provided it is only going to individuals requiring it (e.g. SBT notes to individual classroom teachers, but not to all staff)

Outside of the organization (e.g. parents/caregivers, doctors, MCFD):

  • Use only student initials in subject line or body of email.
  • Sending documentation containing student information is allowed, provided it is only going to guardians or to individuals for whom we have signed consent (e.g. meeting notes


  • Email correspondence is subject to Freedom of Information requests, so it is essential to keep the dialogue professional and concise.  Sensitive or potentially challenging communication should be had through dialogue (e.g. phone conversation or a meeting).

legal requirements

Student Records

A student record is defined in the School Act as any record of information in written or electronic form pertaining to (a) a student, or (b) a child registered with a school but receiving a home education. Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, a student record includes anything on which information is recorded or stored. This includes electronic files, handwritten files, photographs and audio and video recordings. Section 79 of the School Act requires that Boards of Education establish and maintain a record for each student and each child registered with the board’s schools. The board is also required to permit a person providing health services, social services or other support services to obtain from the records information that is required to carry out those services.

School Act

The School Act says that school districts must establish written procedures regarding storage, retrieval and appropriate use of student records, with provisions to ensure confidentiality and privacy for students and their families. In the case of students with special needs this section is particularly important because of the sensitivity of the information contained in students’ files. Districts are also required to ensure that practices for the collection, use and disclosure of personal student information comply with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Section 9 of the School Act entitles a student and his or her parents “to examine all student records kept by a board pertaining to the student while accompanied by the principal or a person designated by the principal to interpret the records.”


  • Individuals through the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, subject to the exceptions allowed by the Act, may also request copies of the student records. Records maintained for students with special education needs will typically include information related to identification and assessment, an Individual Education Plan and relevant follow-up and review data and information related to monitoring of progress or placement.

maintaining student files

All recorded information about a student that is either generated by or received by the school district is considered to be in the custody of, and under the control of, the school district and is the property of the school district. All student records are kept in one of the following files:

  • Official Student File (cumulative)
  • Designation File (blue file)
  • Teacher/Specialist Teacher Files and Child, Youth and Family Support Worker Files
  • Principal’s File Student files may be organized and separated into sub-files by content. All information in the student files must be kept secure from unauthorized access.
FILES SHOULD BE STORED IN LOCKED CABIINETS at all times.  Where they are signed out for a specific purpose, they should be returned to the cabinet at the end of each day. 

team meeting minutes

  • The minutes of a team meeting for one child can be maintained in the student’s file.
  • Meeting minutes that contain the names of other children should not be maintained in student files.
  • School-based team (S-BT) minutes shall be maintained by the school for a period of two years after the meeting and then destroyed in an appropriate manner. S-BT minutes are best organized in a binder and stored in a secure location.

requests for student information from non-custodial parent

If a student’s parents are separated or divorced, school staff may receive requests from the noncustodial parent for student record information or for visits with the student at school. In these cases, school officials should confirm the entitlement of the non-custodial parent to obtain such information or to have contact with the student. This will include reviewing applicable court orders respecting custody of, and access to the student and other relevant documents. The custodial parent should be notified of a non-custodial parent’s request for student information or for contact with the student at the school. If the school is unsure as to the legal entitlement of the non-custodial parent or if there is serious conflict between the parents with respect to the request, obtain advice from the school district’s information and privacy coordinator.

Parents & Guardians with the legal authority to do so may view both a student’s cumulative (regular) and designation (blue) file in it’s entirety.  Copies of information contained within the file may be copied by school staff upon request.

At no time can a file be removed from the school property. 

providing records within sd68 and to other school districts

  • When a student transfers to another school within SD68, the official student cumulative file and student support services (blue) file are sent to that school upon receipt of the appropriate request for records.
  • In the case of transfer to other schools in British Columbia, the official student cumulative file will be transferred upon receipt of a written request from the receiving school. If the child has a student support services (blue) file and you have received a written request from the receiving school accompanied with a signed consent form by the students’ legal guardian, a copy of the entire blue file may be shared. Please keep the originals.
  • In the case of a student transferring to an Independent school or an educational institution outside of British Columbia, the official student cumulative file will be copied and transferred upon receipt of a written request from the receiving school. If the child has a student support services (blue) file and you have received a written request from the receiving school accompanied with a signed consent form by the students’ legal guardian, a copy of the entire blue file may be shared. Please keep the originals.
  • No records are to be provided to ‘schools’ that are not public schools or independent schools, as defined in the Independent Schools Act and in British Columbia, listed in the Ministry document Public and Independent Schools Book.

documentation regarding suicide and/or child abuse and neglect

Notes and documentation regarding possible suicide and/or abuse/neglect must be stored securely and confidentially.

Such documentation is not to be retained/placed:

  • On a clipboard on a wall
  • In the official student file or the designation file
  • In the counsellor’s file
  • In caseload records
  • In teacher/specialist teacher files

Because these documents are based on an alleged event or suspicion that may be unfounded, they should be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Since the Learning Services Office maintains these documents and alerts schools of multiple protocols, there is no need to maintain school copies longer than you personally want to hang on to them. Please shred when no longer needed.


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Confidential records

Confidential records are typically sent  separately from the regular student files

  • Central registration will request  the general student file for incoming students.
  • As parents do not always disclose that their children have additional needs at the time of registration, the school team is responsible for ensuring any confidential records are also requested, in addition to the student’s file.

To request confidential records:

collecting student information

  • A school is authorized to collect information that relates directly to the school’s mandate of providing educational programs and services supporting the student’s educational progress.
  • Collect only that information which is required for the purpose for which it is collected.
  • Information must be collected directly from the individual (or parent), and the person must be informed of the purpose and authority for the collection, along with the name of a contact person.

guidelines regarding file notes

  • Write your notes with the expectation that others will read them with a critical eye.  Don’t alter the record after the fact. Strike out the comment and replace it with correction.
  • Be as specific and precise as possible.
  • Focus on objective, observable behaviours and statements.
  • Avoid jargon or diagnostic labels.
  • Do not state opinion, or hearsay.
  • State only the facts.

sharing information about students

Student records information CAN be shared under the following circumstances:

  • With the written consent of the parent/guardian; or
  • To avert or minimize imminent danger to the health or safety of any person; or to report a child who might need protection under the Child, Family and Community Service Act; or
  • To public health or social services if they are planning services for that student; or
  • By order of the court; or
  • As under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (Canada) to facilitate the rehabilitation of a young person; or
  • To cooperate with a police and/or child welfare investigation

Ask the Director of Instruction – Inclusive Education if you have questions related to the following circumstances:

  • There may be a health or safety issue for any individual or group(s);
  • To report criminal activity to police (pursuant to FOIPOPA);
  • Where there is a demand or request to produce information for a legal proceeding; and/or

If you have questions about how a professional code of ethics may limit disclosure. Information can NEVER be shared if there is:

  • A legislative requirement barring disclosure;
  • No consent and no need to know nor overriding health/safety concerns

removal or correction of student records

  • As permitted in Section 29 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, students, parents or guardians may request the district to correct or remove entries in a student record. Such a request must be made in writing, either on forms provided or in a letter.
  • The Principal, upon receiving such a request, should make a recommendation to the Information and Privacy Coordinator, who may consult with the Superintendent/CEO before making a final decision.
  • If the district denies the request, the applicant shall be informed of the right to appeal to the Commissioner of Information and Privacy.

security of student records

  • All employees working with students records must ensure the security and confidentiality of those records, including security of access to records.
  • All records should be returned to locked cabinets at the end of each day. 

retention and destruction of student records

  • As long as a student is enrolled in a school in the district, the official student file and designation file remain at the student’s current school.
  • Two years after a student graduates, the school may dispose of the student’s official student file and designation file. The Permanent Record Card and Transcript of Grades must be kept permanently.
  • If a student withdraws from school, the student’s official file and designation file should be kept until at least two years after when the student would have normally graduated. The Permanent Record Card and Transcript of Grades (if there is one) must be kept permanently