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Home / Instruction & Assessment / English Language Learners

English Language Learners

To have more windows to look at the world and to have more worlds to grow words

English Language Learners  in NLPS

Who are We?

We are specialist language teachers:

  • with respect and understanding of cultural diversity
  • with specific training in working with students developing English skills
  • with understanding of linguistically appropriate practice 
  • working directly with students and also within the larger learning community (Classroom Teachers, Student Support Teachers, Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS), Caregivers)

What do we do?

We help students to develop literacy in English so that they can succeed in both the social and academic environment of the classroom. We focus on inclusive practices that honour cultural identity and social and emotional growth.

Our settlement workers in schools (SWIS) are an important part of the NLPS ELL program. These caring adults provide settlement support for immigrants, refugees, and newcomers and are hired through our community partner Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society (CVIMS). 

We work with SWIS and CVIMS to provide trained interpretation and translation services for schools and families. Please contact the learning line at for more information.

Who do we work with?

Students qualify for the program through a needs-based assessment and must meet Ministry of Education criteria.

They may be:

  • Immigrants
  • Children born in Canada
  • Indigenous students with varying dialects
  • Refugees
  • Children adopted from other countries

How do we do it?

Tier 1 Support:

  • Scaffolding and adaptations
  • Co-teaching and collaboration
  • Leveraging funds of knowledge
  • Content area support and resources
  • Focus on interactive strategies

Tier 2 Support:​

  • Individual or small group explicit language teaching
  • Meaningful hands-on activities
  • Vocabulary and background building
  • Oral language development