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Home / Instruction & Assessment / Personal & Sexual Health / Sexual Health Grade 8-10 Topic Snapshots

Sexual Health Topic Snapshots Grades 8-10


The following are Snapshots of each sexual health content area, and the  ‘Go To’ resources recommended to further support teaching and learning


  • Anatomy of reproductive, hormonal, and excretory systems
    All bodies start with similar anatomy in utero, forming from 8 weeks onward into “sex assigned at birth”: female, male, intersex
  • Breasts and areolas, clitoris>penis, ovaries>testicles, labia>scrotum, urethra, anus, fallopian tubes>vas deferens, ova>sperm, semen/vaginal fluid
  • Including changes in: hair, sweat, body odor, voice, oil production, acne, mood swings, breast dev’t, discharge, erections, wet dreams, menstruation, increased sex drive, masturbation, sex drive
    • Demo items in a hygiene kit
  • Some trans* folks may seek hormonal medical support to transition through puberty in a way that aligns with their gender identity
  • How to do a testicular self-examination
  • Demo use of menstrual products: pads, tampons etc
  • Hygiene: Bathing, managing body odor, oral care, preventing bladder/fungal infections, safe hair removal/management


Google Slides PubertyGr 4-8
Google Slides Puberty, Mental Well being Gr 9-12

INFLUENCES ON IDENTITY: Gender, Sex, Orientation

  • Factors which influence our identity (who we are by nature/biology, environmental factors, and who we learn to be based on culture/social constructs)
  • Understand the various independent components of one’s identity: every person has an assigned sex at birth, a gender identity, are affected by  gender stereotypes, have gender expression, and a sexual orientation
  • Critically analyze how one’s ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ are socially constructed
  • Challenge gender norms and stereotypes (including masculinity and femininity)
  • Acknowledge limitations of binary categories we have placed on human sexuality (which is much more complex than 2 categories)
  • How are people treated when they don’t fit into rigid categories created by society
  • Affirm and celebrate the diversity of identities, expressions, and orientations
  • Consequences of bullying, discrimination, stereotyping (focus on homophobia, transphobia)



  • Advocating for the well-beings of others connects us to your community
  • Acknowledge difference, challenge intolerance, seize teachable moments, encourage activism 
  • Terms:
    • Discrimination: unjust treatment due to race/sex/age 
    • Stereotyping: a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
      • Stereotypes make one story become the only story 
      • Media’s influence on common stereotypes and preconceived notions
    • Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
      • how systemic racism works
  • Bullying has psychological, physical, social, academic effects
  • How to be an Upstander, respond and be assertive


Lesson on Discrimination

SEXUAL VIOLENCE: Harassment, Assault, Rape

  • In Canada, and in BC schools it is you RIGHT to feel safe. The law is clear on what is legal or not.
  • Examples of: Harassment, stalking, exploitation, abuse, assault
  • Beliefs and misconceptions, victim blaming, factors why many assaults go unreported
  • Bystander effect, mob mentality, famous examples (Kitty Genovese, Vancouver Riots etc.) of them
  • How to be an Upstander, respond and be assertive



  • Communication skills:
    • negotiating boundaries
    • being assertive
    • passive
    • aggressive
  • Delay and Refusal skills
  • The cycle of abuse: reporting, getting help
  • Using instincts to sense danger
  • Using technology: 
    • lures/tricks of exploiters
    • sexting
      • it is a crime to share private images w/o consent
    • privacy online
    • consent
    • exploitation
    • how to report and get help


Kids in the Know PowerPoint: Sextortion


  • Healthy standards (consent, communication, respect, trust, etc.)
  • How to have healthy friendships
  • Personal boundaries and how to assert them
  • Unhealthy relationships, reg flags: lie, cheat, pressure, guilt, control, isolate, etc.)
  • Dating violence
  • Lust vs love vs control
  • Anger as a secondary emotion
  • How to get out of an unhealthy relationship/break up
  • Conflict resolution skills


Google Slides Healthy Relationships Gr 7-10
Kids in the Know Power Points Gr 7/8 and 9/10
Respectful Futures: Healthy Relationships Modules


Making healthy and safe decisions in your life requires knowledge and understanding. You need to know yourself and what your standards are. You also need to know what the qualities are in a healthy relationship. Sexual decision making means you understand the pros and cons of your choices and are able to lower your risks with the information you have.

  • Get to really know your personal and family values
  • Develop your own standards
  • Practice asserting your boundaries
  • Be able to communicate worries, hopes, fear, risks with your partner
  • Knowing when you are ready (mentally, emotionally, physically, relationship wise)
  • Knowing if your partner is ready (asking for consent!!)
  • Practice ways out of unhealthy or risky situations
  • Prevent any potential harm (STIs or unplanned pregnancies)
  • Access to healthcare 
    • Options for Sexual Health, NAC Youth Clinic, School Wellness Centres, Walk in Clinics, Doctors, Grant Avenue Youth Clinic etc


Google Slides Gr 8-10+ Physical Intimacy, STIs and Pregnancy Prevention
Kids in the Know Power Points Gr 7/8 and 9/10


  • Consent is giving/asking for permission for something to happen
    • Any sexual activity requires consent: including kissing, touching etc.
    • Grabbing, touching, stalking, exposing to pornography etc. all can be considered sexual assault 
    • People under 12 cannot consent to any sexual activity
    • People under 18 are protected by age of consent laws
  • Age, power, authority, substance use are some determining factors
  • An enthusiastic YES! What it is, looks like, sounds like, how to negotiate consent, can be retracted
  • What is isn’t: silence, no, body language, alcohol/drug facilitated sexual activity (date rape)
  • Alcohol: you can’t consent if drunk/high (signs of intoxication: slurring, stumbling, etc.)


Google Slides Gr 8-10 Consent and Sexual Violence
Kids in the Know Power Points Gr 7/8 and 9/10


  • Internal and external condoms (vaginal or anal sex) and dental dams (oral sex)
  • Reduces risk significantly during oral, vaginal or anal sex of most STIs and pregnancy
  • What is the method, instruction, effectiveness, material for each
    • Highlight: latex/polyurethane prevent STIs and pregnancy, sheepskin does not protect against HIV
  • Use of lubrication during vaginal or anal sex to increase effectiveness
  • Condoms DO break if not used properly
  • Must be used for vaginal/anal sex EVERY TIME unless:
    – Want to get pregnant
    – Have been tested for STIs and in a monogamous relationship and (if having vaginal sex) female is on birth control 
  • Condoms are free at Options for Sexual Health, or the school wellness centres, or the NAC youth clinic.


Google Slides Gr 8-10+ Physical Intimacy, STIs and Pregnancy Prevention


Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are diseases and infections that are spread through sexual touch. They are only preventable by abstaining, but one can lower their risk of contracting one by: avoiding high risk touch, knowing signs and symptoms, getting tested regularly, ensuring partner is tested, limiting number of partners, and using condoms.

Statistics and prevalence: approx. 5 in 6 people will get an STI in their lifetime, 8 in 10 will get HPV, 1 in 4 Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV2) for example. STIs are not linked to cleanliness, promiscuity, appearance, reputation (stigma). If you are sexually active, go get checked regularly (STI test for free at a Doctor or clinic)

Viral: (No cure but symptoms can be managed in some cases with medications) Hepatitis, HIV, Herpes (HSV), Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

Bacterial: (Curable) Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), Trichomoniasis

Infestations: (Curable) Scabies, Pubic Lice

Transmission: Skin to fluid (mucus membranes: mouth, eye, vulva, anus, penis); Exchange of Fluids (semen, vaginal fluid, rectal fluid, blood, breast milk); Proximity (skin to skin rubbing: HSV, HPV)

Symptoms: Ranging from none (likely), to pain, lumps, sores, abnormal discharge, strong odor, warts, rash, itching

Short and Long Term Consequences: embarrassment, pain, cancer (throat, anal, penile, cervical), infertility, death


  • Abstain
  • PAP test: for those with vulvas, when sexually active or after age 24
  • HPV and Gardasil vaccines all genders
    • free in school vaccinations for grade 6 (male and female), or grade 9 (female)
    • free at Grant Avenue Health Clinic for females under 23 and those having higher risk sex
    • up to $500 at the Doctor (may be covered by some health plans)
  • STI testing (always free at Options for Sexual Health, Doctor, Walk In Clinic)
  • Testing often done via swab, urine sample or blood test
  • New testing methods include self-swab for Chlamydia/Gonorrhea
  • Barrier methods (latex or polyurethane internal/external condoms, dental dams)
  • Limiting number of sexual partners


Google Slides Gr 8-10+ Physical Intimacy, STIs and Pregnancy Prevention


Safe, healthy touch is what all humans need to thrive. Things like hugs, cuddles, holding someone you love, a kiss of the forehead. The way safe touch makes us feel: safe, loved, cared for. All touch must be consensual: no one can touch your body without your permission (an enthusiastic Yes!)

There are many ways to show you care for someone without touch: Quality time together, write a note, text, go on a walk together, bring them flowers, eat together etc…

Sexual touch may feel good but has some serious risks including: unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), pain and regret, to name a few. It is up to each person to make healthy decisions and choices that will reduce their risks.

What touch is unsafe touch= Causes pain, has risk of virus/bacterial infections(STI), is non-consensual, damages body in any way

Levels of Risk for STIs With Each Type of Touch:

The only 100% way to not be at risk is to abstain (not to do it), or to touch in ways that don’t involve bodily fluids. The healthiest choice for young people is to abstain as long as possible. Most people don’t become sexually active until after high school (McCreary Survey 2013), and for many, they wait until they are in long term relationships and for some they wait until they are married. Some people are asexual, meaning they do not have sexual feelings for others and they may choose not to have sex. Some choose not to be sexually active for other reasons.


Google Slides Gr 8-10+ Physical Intimacy, STIs and Pregnancy Prevention


  • Healthy relationships are based on trust, respect, communication, and consent: all things that pornography lacks, and often involves the exploitation of someone (often females).
  • Not a realistic guide for what real life partners would really want/expect
  • Porn is like a sports highlight reel of a sports event (only focused on exciting moments (simulated)
  • In recent years pornography has shown more violent, degrading, abusive, non-consensual acts, and choking, name calling, slapping etc which viewers try to replicate/mirror in their real lives. 
  • Damage caused by pornography may include: 
    • peer to peer sexual abuse of children,  
    • pornography contributes to rape and sexual violence, misogyny 
    • addiction (signs of addiction)
    • body dismorphia
    • misunderstanding of connection, intimacy and pleasure
    • children exposed to pornography may act out sexually with other children, pornography shapes attitudes and values, interferes with a child’s development and identity. 
  • It affects the reward centre in the brain: creating new pathways seeking dopamine if exposed as brain is developing.
  • Q: How does pornography change the way teens think about sex?


Lesson: I heard it on the Internet!? Reliable sources of health information
3 Page Printable: summary/lesson/word sort/discussion questions for pornography impact lesson 

CONTRACEPTION/BIRTH CONTROL: Unplanned Pregnancy Prevention

Preventing unplanned pregnancies: birth control is extremely effective if used as directed

Method, instruction,  actual use effectiveness, advantages/disadvantages

Show effectiveness chart and quote ‘actual use’ not ‘perfect use’ rates

Start with most effective and work way down

  • Hormonal (works by: prevent release of ovum, thicken cervical fluid, changing lining of uterus) – IUD (progestin-Mirena 99.3%); Depo-shot (progestin 97%); Patch (estrogen/progestin 92%); Nuva Ring (progestin and estrogen 92%); Pill (estrogen/progestin or just progestin 91%); Copper IUD 99.3 %
  • Barrier: Condoms keep sperm from entering vagina (internal 79%) and external (82%)
  • Withdrawal method can help lower risk of pregnancy especially when used in addition to another method-should not be relied on its own!!)

Emergency contraception * (97.3%)

  • ‘Contingency One’ or ‘Plan B’: Lovonorgestrel (w/i 3 days but preferably w/i 12 hours after unprotected sex: most effective the sooner it’s taken)
    • Thickens cervical fluid/prevents release of ova (egg)
    • Ex: Plan B effectiveness (up to 95%), accessibility (no prescription needed: go to pharmacy), cost $30
    • Copper IUD inserted w/i 7 days: creating inhospitable environment for sperm preventing fertilization

People do not need parental consent to go to a clinic/doctor, and get medical treatment or prescriptions. It is confidential.


Google Slides Gr 8-10+ Physical Intimacy, STIs and Pregnancy Prevention


  • Nearly 1 in 2 pregnancies in Canada are unplanned.
  • Understanding Options: Parenting, Adoption, Medical and surgical abortion
  • Options: Brainstorm pros, cons of each, understand personal values related to each, understand laws/rights of each: Note: Abortions in B.C. are free, legal, and safe
  • Medical Abortion: There are a few options including Mifegymiso which means one can get medication to end pregnancy from pharmacy within the first 7 weeks of pregnancy, in pill form, can be taken in privacy of own home. Doctor must write a prescription. To find a local Dr. who is trained in medical abortion please call 1-800-sex-sense (1-800-739-7367) or  the Pregnancy Option Line 1-888-875-3163
  • Surgical Abortion: usually within 12-14 weeks but up to 20 weeks performed  in a medical clinic or hospital.
  • Rights and Laws The person who is pregnant is the only person can only make choice to have/not have abortion. Cost (covered/free with care card number), accessibility in Canada (legal and safe), and confidential (information will not be shared with anyone else).


  • Call Pregnancy Option Line (pro-choice) 1-888-875-3163
  • Call Options for Sexual Health Sex-Sense Line (pro-choice) 1-800-739-7367

*Note Crossroads Pregnancy Centre and Crisis Pregnancy Centre are not Pro-Choice establishments. They do not provide science based, unbiased information. They are not a vetted resource for students.

Google Slides Gr 8-10+ Physical Intimacy, STIs and Pregnancy Prevention