The following are Snapshots of each sexual health content area, and the ‘Go To’ resources recommended to further support teaching and learning
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Nanaimo BC V9S 2B5
Making healthy and safe decisions in your life requires knowledge and understanding. You need to know yourself and what your standards are. You also need to know what the qualities are in a healthy relationship. Sexual decision making means you understand the pros and cons of your choices and are able to lower your risks with the information you have.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are diseases and infections that are spread through sexual touch. They are only preventable by abstaining, but one can lower their risk of contracting one by: avoiding high risk touch, knowing signs and symptoms, getting tested regularly, ensuring partner is tested, limiting number of partners, and using condoms.
Statistics and prevalence: approx. 5 in 6 people will get an STI in their lifetime, 8 in 10 will get HPV, 1 in 4 Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV2) for example. STIs are not linked to cleanliness, promiscuity, appearance, reputation (stigma). If you are sexually active, go get checked regularly (STI test for free at a Doctor or clinic)
Viral: (No cure but symptoms can be managed in some cases with medications) Hepatitis, HIV, Herpes (HSV), Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Bacterial: (Curable) Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), Trichomoniasis
Infestations: (Curable) Scabies, Pubic Lice
Transmission: Skin to fluid (mucus membranes: mouth, eye, vulva, anus, penis); Exchange of Fluids (semen, vaginal fluid, rectal fluid, blood, breast milk); Proximity (skin to skin rubbing: HSV, HPV)
Symptoms: Ranging from none (likely), to pain, lumps, sores, abnormal discharge, strong odor, warts, rash, itching
Short and Long Term Consequences: embarrassment, pain, cancer (throat, anal, penile, cervical), infertility, death
Safe, healthy touch is what all humans need to thrive. Things like hugs, cuddles, holding someone you love, a kiss of the forehead. The way safe touch makes us feel: safe, loved, cared for. All touch must be consensual: no one can touch your body without your permission (an enthusiastic Yes!)
There are many ways to show you care for someone without touch: Quality time together, write a note, text, go on a walk together, bring them flowers, eat together etc…
Sexual touch may feel good but has some serious risks including: unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), pain and regret, to name a few. It is up to each person to make healthy decisions and choices that will reduce their risks.
What touch is unsafe touch= Causes pain, has risk of virus/bacterial infections(STI), is non-consensual, damages body in any way
Levels of Risk for STIs With Each Type of Touch:
The only 100% way to not be at risk is to abstain (not to do it), or to touch in ways that don’t involve bodily fluids. The healthiest choice for young people is to abstain as long as possible. Most people don’t become sexually active until after high school (McCreary Survey 2013), and for many, they wait until they are in long term relationships and for some they wait until they are married. Some people are asexual, meaning they do not have sexual feelings for others and they may choose not to have sex. Some choose not to be sexually active for other reasons.
Preventing unplanned pregnancies: birth control is extremely effective if used as directed
Method, instruction, actual use effectiveness, advantages/disadvantages
Show effectiveness chart and quote ‘actual use’ not ‘perfect use’ rates
Start with most effective and work way down
Emergency contraception * (97.3%)
People do not need parental consent to go to a clinic/doctor, and get medical treatment or prescriptions. It is confidential.
*Note Crossroads Pregnancy Centre and Crisis Pregnancy Centre are not Pro-Choice establishments. They do not provide science based, unbiased information. They are not a vetted resource for students.