Instructional Routines:
1111 Dufferin Cr.
Nanaimo BC V9S 2B5
Number talks equations or strings are used to provide students with regular computation practice while developing mental math strategies. A problem or a string of connected problems are presented to the students on the board and the students are asked to find an answer and be be prepared to share their strategy.
Why use Number Talks?
Possible strategies when students are prompted with 5 x 18.
Number talk images are similar to a number talk where you use an image to drive conversation around finding a quantity.
Why use Number Talk Images?
A fraction talk is a number talk that only focuses on fractions and fractional thinking. An image is displayed that shows fractional relationships. Students then need to justify and which fraction that they see.
In this routine, students will will be presented with 4 images and the will have to determine how they are all unique and how they are all the same. Allow the students to interact with the images how they choose there is not one right answer and their answers may not be very ‘mathy’ but you will start to hear all of your students voices!
Begin by showing students an image of a quantity. Then, together as a class determine an estimate that is reasonably too high and reasonably to low. Have the students think about their best estimates and how they could represent their reasoning.
Why Use Estimation Routines?
The following sites have great visual estimations for use in you classroom.