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Home / Continuity of Learning

Continuity of Learning

To stay strong and connected

Technology to Support Continuity of Learning

Connecting with Students and Staff:

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a great place to host meetings and communicate with your students.  You can invite your students directly, or you can send them a link once the meeting is created.  Simply create a meeting in your calendar, select a time, and join the meeting. 

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Video includes setting up a meeting, inviting students through their Learn68 accounts and adjusting the meeting options so that all students are attendees.  

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Teams Meetings Features 

This Video gives an overview of how to set up students as meeting attendees (instead of presenters), and how to control student audio, video and end the meeting for all participants. 

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Setting Up Meetings Using Links 

Video includes how to set up a meeting and use the link generated to invite students to ta Teams meeting either through Google classroom or Microsoft Outlook (email), and how to keep participants emails private. 

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Parents or Students Accessing Meetings.

How a parent or student can enter into a teams meeting when receiving an email from Teams.  This also includes a quick overview of student expectations while in a Meeting. 

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Managing Teams Attendees 

This Video gives an overview of how to remove students and add as presenters during a meeting with your students.  (1 min)

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Pinning a File for Easy Access

This Video gives an overview of how to pin a file for easy access at the top of a channel. This includes files that are out of the channel that you want to share.  (4 min)

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Pinning a Website in a Channel

This Video gives an overview of how to pin a website for easy access at the top of a channel. It also gives some ideas of how to organize your channels for productivity (4 min)

Additional Tech Tutorials

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Microsoft Outlook

Video includes navigating to your calendar, mail and contacts. It also shows you how to set up a contacts group (distribution list) and bcc when when sending out an email to a group.  

Resource Collections

Don’t know where to start? Looking for ideas? We have selected a short list of websites offering tools, links and activities in different areas to inspire you. 

Open School BC

Open educational resources are tools and supports that are available at no cost. They’re designed to support learning for K–12 students and adult learners.
The Keep Learning section offers suggestions for parents and caregivers to keep their children learning at home.


Online resource of teaching materials, lessons, and research relevant to the K-12 BC curriculum

Canadian School Districts

See what school districts across Canada are doing.

Continuity of Learning By #BCEdChat

Collaborative repository of websites, resources and online activities.

École Ouverte / Open School QC

Resources for learning, creating, having fun and staying active, just like at school.
En français & in English

Pearson Canada at Home

Access to Pearson e-textbooks (math and science) through registration. This is available until May 25, 2020. Mathology Little Books (English, French) K-3. Lessons in Mathology are open for 90 days. ERPI French resources (Grades 1 to 12)

Digital platforms and resources

The following resources are currently being used in NLPS and have been vetted for safety and privacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Teachers are reminded to consider the educational appropriateness of these resources, while considering learner needs and alignment to provincial curriculum

Hul̓q̓umín̓um̓ Number Bingo (1-10)

Use this virtual calling card to review abstract numbers from nuc?a (one) to ‘apun (ten). Have students draw a 3 x 3 grid and fill it with numerals 1 – 10 in random order (one number will be left out). Then use the virtual activity to draw the cards and listen to the pronunciation of each word. Play 3 in a row or full house to win!

Discover the Universe / À la découverte de l’univers

Discover the Universe is an astronomy training program offered by Canadian astronomers to supportteachers and educators. It offers free online workshops and webinars, as well as downloadable educational resources in English and in French.

Kids in the Know

Personal safety skills, online safety, friendships/relationships, through games, booklets, and activities.

Storytime From Space

Astronauts in the International Space Station read stories.

Storyline Online

Children’s story books read by actors (Kevin Costner, Oprah Winfrey, Viola Davis)

Vancouver Island Regional Library

Student’s and teachers can access audio books, digital books and magazines and more.

San Diego Zoo

Live interactive visits to the zoo and videos to learn about animals.

Hour of Code

Coding activities from beginner to advanced.


Check out the 3 Act Tasks created by Graham Fletcher. They are a great way to engage students in active problem solving.

Estimation 180

A great collection of estimation activities that are offered in an engaging and interactive way. 

Common Sense Media

Lessons for teachers and students on digital literacy and safety online.

NCTM Games and Lessons

Find a variety of lessons and games for students K-12.

BCAMT Resources

Check out the amazing resources that the BCAMT has up on their website. Lesson ideas and rich tasks for K-12. There are even lessons aligned with books that are available to download right off the BCAMT website!

Which One Doesn’t Belong

Have students start a conversation and see if they can figure out a reason why each of the images doesn’t belong. K-12


A collection of interactive simulation activities for science and math K-12.

Open Middle Numeracy Tasks

This site has many open middle problems. An open middle meaning that there are multiple ways to approach and ultimately solve the problem.

YouCubed at Home

Lots of tasks, activities and videos for teachers, students and families building on research to teach math differently and to increase student engagement and achievement.

Activities range K-12.


The CEMC courseware materials feature grade 7 to 12 lessons, interactive activities, enrichment challenges, and unlimited opportunity for practice with feedback. The courseware is online, free to use, and does not require registration.

The Problem of the Week provides grade 3 and ups with an ongoing opportunity to solve mathematical problems.

Includes also resources for home (4-12).

Math Learning Center

Students can now explore this idea in new and unique ways and can manipulate their creations to represent their thinking in multiple ways.