Interested in learning the general name for various landforms and waterforms in Hul?q?umi?num?? Here is a handy list:
In this video Coast Salish Snuneymuxw artist Joel Good creates kerfs, then steams and bends a yellow cedar plank in preparation for creating a bentwood box. He is one of
Ready to learn simple sentences in Hul?q?umi?n?um?? We are happy to announce the release of the second book in the Hul?q?umi?n?um? Beginner Books series! Each book in the series will
Ready to learn simple sentences in Hul?q?umi?n?um?? We are happy to announce the release of the first book in the Hul?q?umi?n?um? Beginner Books series! Each book in the series will
Use the online resource in coordination with the printable bingo cards to listen to each word spoken by Hul?q?umi?n?um? teacher George Seymour. The printable cards also include calling cards. Two sets are also
Michelle Stoney is a Gitxsan/Cree artist from northern BC who has generously offered to share her artwork with the public.The artwork in the folder below was gathered from her Facebook
We all want to be healthy. Path to Wellness explores Indigenous Peoples’ views on health and wellness and the importance to everyone of finding balance for the mind, body, spirit,
We all have connections to the land. We Are the Land explores Indigenous Peoples’ relationships with and connections to the land and the importance of maintaining those ties for all
The Aboriginal Lens is a guide for those who work in education and are committed to taking up the “Calls to Action on Education” as stipulated by the Truth and
Shared Learnings: Integrating BC Aboriginal Content K-10 focuses on the diversity, depth, and integrity of the cultures of British Columbia Aboriginal peoples. It is a guide for teachers, developed in
These are films for educators and parents wanting to learn more about the lives and histories of Indigenous people. Powerful, political, and profound, these films will initiate and inspire
These are stories about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, the Highway of Tears, Indigenous rights activism, violence against Indigenous Women, Indigenous stereotypes, racism, marginalized communities, community healing, the Oka Crisis,
Cette exposition présente des sujets inspirés de l’expérience vécue des Survivants des pensionnats indiens. Ces thèmes peuvent être bouleversants pour certains visiteurs. Pour obtenir plus d’information au sujet de cette
Image teaching maps included are: the Fiddle, Métis flag, Flower Beadwork, Louis Riel, Michif Language, Red River Cart, Red River Jig (Dance), Sash.
This informative and easy-to-follow guide is organized into sections by grade levels: early learners – grade 4, Grades 5 – 8, and grades 9 – 12 and beyond. Each section
This virtual exhibition aims to give voice to the experience of the many Métis children who were forced to attend Indian Residential Schools.
This FNESC resource has been developed in response to desire on the part of teachers for more guidance and information on how to incorporate First Peoples materials into their instruction
These films for middle school learners touch on various subjects related to the topic of nationhood, including: the search for identity, Atikamekw roots, fatherhood, richness of heritage, celebration of heritage
These short films for younger learners are by Indigenous filmmakers from across Canada. These stories address a range of subjects, such as: the influence of elders, realizing your potential, sharing
This website is a joint project of the Métis Nation British Columbia and the Métis Youth British Columbia. It was created with funding from the Canadian Culture On-Line Project, a
This virtual exhibition, curated by Gregory Scofield for the Legacy of Hope Foundation, is the online counterpart to a touring exhibition that aims to give voice to the experience of
The main objective of The Grade 7 Cross-Curricular Teacher Guide is to provide teachers with lessons and resources that focus on the contemporary Métis in British Columbia. It is important
The Grade 4 Métis Cross Curricular Unit provides teachers and students with information and instruction on the Métis people and their culture. The objective of the Guide is to answer
Foundations of a justice curriculum – Building Bridges of Understanding Between Nations With the vision of building bridges between the First Nations and Canadian systems of law, First Nations Journeys
This eBook is intended to be an interactive resource leading educators from the story to the ‘back story’ utilizing links on each page to offer related resources. Throughout this book
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